“Today, I lecture in the Master of Science in Communication (MSC) program and teach a course on Content and Influencer Marketing at Northwestern University. As founding president of the MSC Alumni Association, I work with the MSC program regularly and mentor current students and alumni. I also lecture in the Medill School of Journalism, where I teach a course on Israel Today, Journalism in Practice, to undergraduates, as well as the Politics Seminar course for MSJ students. I also lecture occasionally on public policy advocacy, communication, education, writing, and foreign affairs at Northwestern and other universities. Before Northwestern, I was executive director of government and community relations at Elmhurst College from 2009 to 2011, where I taught journalism and world religions.”
“Earlier, I spent thirty years working for the Chicago Tribune (1979-2009), the last seven of them as national editor. I also served there as a member of the editorial board writing about foreign affairs and defense issues, and before that, was a foreign correspondent for twelve years based in Mexico, Canada, and Israel. I served as the Tribune’s White House and Pentagon correspondents in Washington, D.C., and I was a national correspondent covering the Southwest and based in Dallas. I covered a dozen wars as well as natural disasters, human rights, politics, economics, culture, religion and the human condition around the world.” – Storer H. Rowley